Eva Airways Pilot Interview Preparation!



Eva Airways Pilot assessment consist of:
(1) Technical Questions
(2) Human Resource Questions
(3) Simulator Assessment

Notes: The questions below has been submitted to us by candidates recently attended Eva Airways pilot interview.

Eva Airways Pilot Interview was last updated on 30/09/2011

Eva Airways Technical Questions

Lift Formula is? 
Answer: L = (1/2) d v2 s CL

1st Segments stops at?
Answer: Landing gear is fully retracted with flaps in the takeoff setting

What is a clearway?
Answer: The clearway is the length of an obstacle free area at the end of the runway in the direction of the takeoff, with a minimum dimension of 75m either side of the extended runway centerline that is under the control of the licensed authority.

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Eva Airways Human Resource Interview (Conducted by an HR representative and a Captain)

  • Tell us about yourself?
  • Would you always follow SOP?
  • Subscribe to see the remaining HR questions


Eva Airways Sim Assessment

You will either fly Boeing 767-300, B747-400 or MD-11 simulator during your assessment. The simulator assessment consist of a normal take off, usually from runway 05L Taipei. You will either get Houlong 4 departure or ,,,,,,,,

More than 60 Technical and HR Questions WITH ANSWERS in our question bank

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