CTC Wings Pilot Selection Process!  CTC wings cadet scheme 


CTC Wings Pilot Interview consist of

(1) Application (Phase 1)

(2) Math Test (Phase 2)

(3) Pilot Aptitude Test (6 of them) (Phase 2)

(4) Group Excercise (Phase 2)

(5) Personal Interview (Phase 3)





The information on this page can be used for both CTC wings cadets & CTC Wings ATP Candidates.

CTC Wings pilot selection was last updated on December 07, 2011


Math Test

Two math test softwares. One for practice with explanations and one timed like the real test.

We will assist you with different techniqes and strategy to speed up during your assessment.

Examples of math questions are!

  • What is the Cube root of 125? Answer 5
  • How long will it take to descend to 14,000 ft from 39,000 ft if you rate of descent is 1600ft per min?
  • Subscribe to see the remaining math questions.


Pilot Aptitude Tests

1. Deviation

Click here for free trial

Click here on how to use a joystick for this game (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED)


2. Hands

We will provide you with tricks to beat the puppet!


3. Pattern

Try to recognize the shape below by looking at the windows to the left and right!


4. Grid (Concentration) 

Try to recognize the shapes and colors. Subscribe to practice.


5. Flying throug squares

Fly through boxes with the joystick.


Shapes & number

This game is for practice purposes only.

It will prepare you for Deviation + 3 things game


6. Deviation + 3 things

3 things at same time

  • Keep the cross centered
  • Count numbers
  • Recognize shapes


Subscribe to practice for the aptitude test!


CTC Wings Group Exercise (Phase 2):

  • What items would the group save from a burning house, and in what order?
  • Register to see the remaining group exercises.


CTC Wings Interview (HR) (Phase 3):

  • Tell me about a time when someone didn't agree with you?
  • Tell me a time you had to make a decision where you didn't have the full picture?
  • Why have you only become interested in flying only now?
  • What does an ailerone do? Answer: Ailerone are used to generate rolling motion.
  • Subscribe to see the remaining 40 interview quesitons asked during your interview.


We will also assist you with information on how to be successful during your selection!  


The price for subscription is $39.95 US dollars 

Please note: Your subscription is only valid for  30 days

Please help us to improve our interview gouge, by submitting your
feedback or recent experience with an airline.
You can submit by clicking here.