Emirates Pilot Interview gouge!     Emirates assessment interview


Emirates pilot assessment is a four day selection process which includes the fallowing.

Welcome brief (Info about the company), Simulator brief and Assessment, and Advanced Compass Testing. At the end of the day, candidates will be notified if they have been successful in the first stage of the assessment.

The second day starts with a psychometric testing. It continues with an HR brief on some important information relating to the terms and conditions and the process of joining the Company.

Day-3 (Stage2)
Day three starts with assessment centre exercises followed by a panel interview. At the end of the day, candidates will be notified if they have been successful in the second stage of the assessment. Candidates successful through stage 2 will also be required to undertake a medical on the following day.

Day-4 (Stage3)  Emirates pilot assessments simulator assessment
At this stage candidates will undergo a pre-arranged medical appointment at the Emirates Clinic and City Hospital.

Emirates Pilot Interview Question Gouge was last updated  November 08, 2011

New Feedback received from October, 2011 Assessments

Please give yourself at least one week to study through Emirates Pilot Interview Gouge!
NEW Advanced Compass Test (Pilot Aptitude Test) Added to our Interview Preparation

Day 1 - (Stage 1)

As mentioned above a short brief about Emirates and then the Simulator assessment.
The Simulator:
You will either fly Airbus 330, or Boeing 777 Simulator. If you have Airbus time you will most likely get A330, and If candidate have Boeing time he or she will most likely fly the Boeing 777. If you have none of the above you will get B777 cause this comes with a yoke that makes it more easy for candidates.
Keep in mind that sim type will also be based on availability of the simulators as well.

Simulator scenario:
    Emirates simulator assessment pilot interview

Take off from Rwy 12L - visual circuit to the right,,, Subscribe to see a detailed simulator scenario. We will also assist you with tips on how to be successful during your simulator session.

Advanced Compass Test

Compass Test Math Section

Please subscribe to take advantage of our Math Test. Questions are similar to the real test. You can also take our practice test which consist of similar questions, but with explanation at the end.

Compass Test Short Term Memory

Subscribe to take advantage of our short term memory test

Compass Test Orientation Section

Subscribe to take our Situational Awareness test with explanation

Compass Test Task Management

Subscribe to take our Task Management test

ATPL Questions

What type of engine does our Boeing 777-300 have?
Answer: Rolls-Royce Trent (RR Trent 892)

How many % to be considered a contaminated runway?
Answer: 25%

What is the effect of your altimeter in any pressure changes in the atmosphere?
A) Read More
B) Read Less
C) Read More/ Less  The correct answer is C

Join us to see the rest of the 120 ATPL Questions with Answers asked during Emirates pilot interview.
We will also assists you with a unique study guide for subjects that are common during ATPL Questions in Dubai.

Day 2 - Stage (1)

Psychometric Testing

2 tests will be given with more than 100 questions asked and many repeatedly, but different wordings. There is no way a candidate can study for this test. It will only judge your personality and type of person based on your answers (few hours will take to finish the process). BE YOURSELF and BE HONEST!!
The questions are similar to:
Which statements best describes you?
Subscribe to see the remaining questions.

Day 3 - Stage (2)

Group Exercise

  • You have crashed on the moon and know you have to list 20 items in order of importance.  Emirates pilot interview assessment
  • Subscribe to see the remaining 10 group exercises conducted during Emirates pilot interview


Emirates Panel Interview

How do you think your life will change by living here?
What does your family think about moving to Dubai?
Did you bring your wife with you? if not, explain? A good answer is that she had to stay home and take care of the kids. But she is comited to move to Dubai.

Tell me a about a time when someone overstepped your command?
Emirates pilot interview question gouge

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