Cathay Pacific Pilot Interview Gouge!                     Cathay pacific airways pilot assessment


Below is a list of questions that has been asked during Cathay Pacific Pilot interview and assessment.
The questions below are the most common questions asked in the last few years of interview.

The question bank consist of 80 Human Resource questions asked during Cathay Pacific pilot interview and 140 Technical Questions with answers (most of them). Cathay pacific pilot assessment atpl questions

We constantly update our question bank to provide you with the best results for your interview.

Cathay Pacific Pilot Interview was last updated 28/05/2011

Technical Questions            Cathay pacific pilot interview pilot assessment atpl questions

1 - At what altitude does predictive wind shear work?
Answer: Windshear prediction is radar based and is available below 1500’ AGL

2 - Indication of warm front approaching?
Answer: Generally, prior to the passage of a warm front, cirriform or stratiform clouds, along with fog, can be expected to form along the frontal boundary.

3 - What happens to Mach number if you climb in a constant IAS?
Answer: Mach number increases

4 - Can EGPWS work without GPS?
Answer: yes

5 - What do vortex generators do in low speed?
Answer: Vortex generators delay flow separation and aerodynamic stalling; they improve the effectiveness of control surfaces.

6 - How does C.G. effect stalling speed?                              Cathay pacific pilot interview
Answer: A center of gravity forward of the center of pressure will cause a higher stall speed. A center of gravity aft of the center of pressure will cause a lower stall speed.

7 - What are the three types of aquaplaning (hydroplaning)?
1 - Dynamic (standing water on the runway)
2 - Viscous - This occurs when the surface is damp and provides a very thin film of fluid that cannot be penetrated by the tire.
3 - Reveted rubber. This refers to tires becoming tacky.

8 - Timing on outbound leg in holding above 14,000 feet?
Answer: 1 minute an 30 seconds

9 - What is aspect ratio?
Answer: Aspect ratio is the ratio of the wing's span to its geometric chord.

10 - What is inter - tropical Convergence Zone?
Answer: Near the equator, from about 5° north and 5° south, the northeast trade winds and southeast trade winds converge in a low pressure zone known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ. Solar heating in the region forces air to rise through convection which results in a plethora of precipitation. The ITCZ is a key component of the global circulation system.

11 - What equipment does the 777 have to help detect Wind Shear?
Answer: Boeing 777 is equipped with a device known as the predictive wind shear warning system. This system uses wind velocity data gathered by the weather radar system to identify the existence of wind shear.

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Human Resource Questions asked during Cathay Pacific Pilot Interview (assessment)

1 - What does you wife think about Hong Kong?

2 - Where does Cathay fly in North America?

3 - What recent cargo aircraft acquisitions has Cathay Pacific made?

4 - Did Cathay make a profit last year? How Much?

5 - Tell us about Cathay pacific destinations?

6 - Name the first aircraft we used at Cathay pacific?

7 - Where do you see yourself in 5 years? or at the end of your career?

8 - Who is the director of flight ops, chairman, CEO? Cathay Pacific pilot interview
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