About the Role

Freedom II pilots will operate company aircraft to BCAA OTAR Part 121 requirements and standards, including strong participation in the company Safety Management System (SMS). The Captain is responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft from the moment the aircraft has started its engine(s) for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight and the engines are shut down.


Specific Responsibilities and Duties

  • Before operating the airplane, ensuring that it has a valid Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the state of registry or has a valid Permit to Fly in accordance with Article 28 of the AN(OT)O and OTAR Part 121 Subparts E or P, and the airplane is operated in compliance with these documents

  • Ensuring the safety and security of all persons on board the aircraft when the doors are closed

  • Complying not only with the requirements of the AN(OT)O but also, where more stringent, the operating and flight rules of the state or airspace being flown in

  • Ensuring that no flight is commenced if any flight crew member will be prevented from performing his duties as a result of incapacitation by any cause such as injury, sickness, fatigue, or the effects of alcohol or drugs

  • Ensuring that no flight will be continued beyond the nearest suitable aerodrome or heliport when flight crew members’ capacity to perform functions is significantly reduced by impairment of faculties from causes such as fatigue, sickness, or lack of oxygen

  • Ensuring that checklists are complied with in detail

  • Reporting all known or suspected defects in the aircraft at the termination of the flight

  • Completion of the journey logbook and any General Declaration

  • Preserving the flight recorder records and if necessary, the associated flight recorders if the aircraft has been involved in an accident or incident

  • Notifying the appropriate local authority in the event of an emergency that necessitates action in violation of local regulations or procedures. The report shall be made as soon as possible, but in any event, not later than 72 hours after the incident. A copy of the report shall be submitted to the Governor

  • The security of the aircraft during its operation

  • Reporting any act of unlawful interference to the Governor and to the designated local authority

  • Ensuring that the correct type of fuel and oil is loaded in sufficient quantity to meet Freedom II requirements for the proposed flight

  • Taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the airplane weight and balance is within the calculated limits for the operating conditions

  • Taking all reasonable steps to ensure that whenever the aircraft is taxiing, taking off, or landing, or whenever he considers it advisable (e.g. in turbulent conditions), all passengers are properly secured in their seats, and all cabin baggage is stowed in approved compartments

  • Taking any action necessary in an emergency situation that requires immediate decision and action, under the circumstances.  In such cases, he may deviate from rules, operational procedures, and methods in the interest of safety



  • FAA certificate with E170 type rating

  • Total flight time (hours): PIC 4,000 (at least 500 multi-engine PIC) SIC 2,000 (at least 500 turbine)

  • Right to work in the USA

  • Valid Class One Medical

  • Fluent in English

  • No accident/incident record

  • No criminal record

  • Familiarity and compliance with the laws, regulations, and procedures necessary to a flight, including but not limited to the following:

    • The appropriate sections of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order

    • The Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements, in particular Parts 119 and 121

    • Any applicable conditions on the Operator's approval