Avion Express Pilot Interview Assessment!

Copa Airlines

Avion Express Pilot Assessment inclueds the fallowing:

(1) Technical Test
(2) Airbus 320 Test (Type rated candidate)
(3) CUT-e aptiutde tests
(4) HR and Technical interview
(5) Simulator Assessment


Avion Express pilot interview and assessment was last updated on 17 October, 2023

The information on this website has been submitted to us by candidates attending Avion Express assessment and sharing their experience with us. The content and computerised pilot tests on this page should only be used for preparation purposes.


1 - Technical Test

Technical Interview
The EASA ATPL questions consist of more than 1300 ATPL questions that are commonly asked during airline interview and assessments.

The topics covered are Air Law, Aircraft General Knowledge, Flight Planning and Monitoring, Human Performance, Meteorology, Operational Procedures, Principles of Flight, Performance, General and Radio Navigation, Instrumentation and Mass and Balance.


2 - Airbus A320 Test for Type Rated Candidates

Airbus 320 Test (Rated Pilots)

This section includes A320 questions:
Our software consist of more than 700 questions from the Airbus 320 Technical Questions, such as system, automation, limitations, and many more.


3 - CUT-e aptitude tests

Sense of Direction Test

This test measures your sense of direction.

The test taker is required to determine in which direction a vehicle is heading after various driving manoeuvres. High scores indicate the ability to maintain spatial orientation even after many changes of direction, for example while driving a car.


A test that measures your multitasking skills.

You will be doing three things at the same time. First you must align the runwnay to the approaching aircraft. Second, you must answer the math questions on top right screen. Third, you must check the letters if they are correct or incorrect.

We have created a software that will simulate and prepare you for the test.

Complex control

In this test you are piloting a missile through a large tunnel. Your goal is to fly through the openings of each obstacle. If you miss an opening you will cause a collision and your flight will pause for a short moment. You more openings you pass through the faster the missile will become. You can manually adjust the speed of your flight.

This test features a practice section and a test section. The test section features 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). A score will be presented at the end of the test.

Free version >>
Deductive Logical Thinking

This test measures your deductive reasoning ability. The concept behind deductive reasoning is to test the candidate's logical deduction problem solving ability. By processing the premises given, one has to reach a logically certain conclusion.

This test features a practice section with answers. The test section itself consists of 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). A score will be presented at the end of the test.

Free version >>

Working memory

This test measures your short-term visual memory capacity and your decision making.

In the test, a series of images will be displayed that you must remember and correctly answer the question of whether the currently displayed image is identical to the second last one or not.

The E with dots

In this test, the candidate should monitor the letter E and the dots that appear around it.

During the test, various symbols will appear including the letter E and several dots around it. Your task is to follow when the letter E and the three dots around it appear. Only on that combination, you will need to click the Correct button to give the correct answer, on any other combination you need to click the Incorrect button.

Grid Challenge

This is a spatial reasoning test. It measures your short-term visual memory and determines your ability to perceive and compare visual information.

The test is composed of different types of tasks and requires quick adoption and swift decision-making.

It's divided into nine rounds. Each round consists the tasks where you need to monitor the red-colored dot location and at the end of the round, choose the exact dots in the exact order in which they appeared.

Free version >>

Inductive Logical Thinking

This test measures logical thinking. You are presented with two different categories of tables. Your goal is to work out the rules and interrelationship which assign tables to two different categories and then to assign new tables to the adequate categories.

This test features a practice section with answers and explanation. The test section itself consists of 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). A score will be presented at the end of the test.




4 - HR interview

HR Interview

We have created a question bank based on the questions we have received from candidate’s attending the assessment and sharing their experience with us. The questions are split into two sections. Competency based questions and flying based questions. Few examples below:

• Why Avion Express?
• What would you do if a passenger from first class is drunk and harassing the passenger next to him, what would you do?
• Tell me a about a time when someone overstepped your command


5 - Simulator Assessment

Simulator Assessment

Simulator briefing for me and more 3 pilots, after that individual quick interview about aviation background and few technical questions, they asked me to explain mechanical backup, TOGA LOCK function, definition of stall and its associated pitch tendency (high speed swept wing aircraft and on small single engine plane)

Simulator session, AMS to BRU, captain as PF, engines were started but we had to taxi from terminal to Rwy 24, normal takeoff and climb, crossing FL 080 HYD G Res OVHT, perform ECAM, landing assessment, CCCP, company says it may be repaired in BRU, continue to destination, go around, landing gear not retracted, simulator freezes, end of exercise.

Captain repositioned to take off, engine failure without damage, reaching status page,simulator freezes, end of exercise. 

First officer take off, after rotation loud bangs on engine 2, pull speed, engine stall paper C/L, after turning anti ice ON, engine recovered, repositioned for ILS approach raw data with auto thrust ON. Interception and landing performed with crosswind of 25 kts, BIRD ON. Subscribe to see more simulator assessment feedbacks!


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