This interview preparation was last updated on 20 August, 2024
The content and information used on this website should only be used for preparation purposes. We are an independent web site and is not affiliated and have no commercial connection with any airlines or flightschools and their pilot assessments.
This test measures your reaction speed, In this test you are presented with various objects. Each time the left and right object is a pair you need to respond by clicking the equal button or the spacebar key on your computer keyboard
This test features a practice section with 10 questions. The test section itself consists of a 2 minute time limited test.
In this test you are presented with moving objects in different directions, your goal is to identify the number of these.
The monitoring test features a practice section. The test section features 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). Each level will consist of 14 random, time-limited questions with answers.
This is a test to assess your spatial awareness and ability to read instruments. In other words, you need to understand the aircraft's attitude and position in physical space. You will be asked to pick the correct aircraft on the basis of the readings on the cockpit instruments.
The Spatial Orientation test features a practice section with a detailed explanation of the answer. The test section features 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). Each level will have a 10 random, time-limited questions and a exact score will be calculated afterwards.
This test measures your multitasking skills. During this test you have to cope with three things at the same time:
- Direction of the triangle
- Numerical Reasoning
- Attentiveness
In this test you are piloting a missile through a large tunnel. Your goal is to fly through the openings of each obstacle. If you miss an opening you will cause a collision and your flight will pause for a short moment. You more openings you pass through the faster the missile will become. You can manually adjust the speed of your flight.
This test features a practice section and a test section. The test section features 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). A score will be presented at the end of the test.
Free Version >>This test measures logical thinking. You are presented with two different categories of tables. Your goal is to work out the rules and interrelationship which assign tables to two different categories and then to assign new tables to the adequate categories.
This test features a practice section with answers and explanation. The test section itself consists of 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). A score will be presented at the end of the test.
This test measures your deductive reasoning ability. The concept behind deductive reasoning is to test the candidate's logical deduction problem solving ability. By processing the premises given, one has to reach a logically certain conclusion.
This test features a practice section with answers. The test section itself consists of 3 different levels (easy, medium and hard). A score will be presented at the end of the test.
It is impossible to prepare for such tests. Best way to answer these questions is to BE YOURSELF and BE HONEST!
Before you answer a personality questionnaire, find out about the organization and decide whether you like its culture and it’s the kind of place you will thrive in. If it is, then apply confident in that knowledge, take time over each question and answer it in a way that shows you as the ideal candidate for the role and company.
Few sample questions below for personality test
The video Interview consist of online Human Resource questions that canditates have to answer online through a computer:
Our video interview question bank consist of 20 questions that users have submitted to us!
Free Version >>This test contain 100+ EASA ATPL questions that users has shared with us through out the years.
The ATPL questions bank offers the following three options.
What is Mach Trimmer?
Answer: Mach trimmers allow for an aircraft's normal operating speed range to be above its Mcrit. It also compensate for Mach tuck.
Why does some aircraft have winglets?
Answer: Winglets prevent factors like induced drag. Winglets are aerodynamically surfaces located at the wingtips, they prevent intermixing airflow from upper and lower surfaces.
Subscribe to see the remaining questions with answers.
Competency based questions. Few examples below:
Please Note: We will try to guide you how to answer some of HR questions.
Simulator assessment usually vary from day to day. Sometimes you might start with a SID out of East Midlands, Liverpool, Luton or Dublin. You will receive the charts so you will have plenty of time to go through them. After the departure you will demonstrate some general handling. This include turns, climb, descend, maintaining altitude,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subscribe to see the remaining simulator scenario.
Approach Plates will be provided.